
A Stroll Among the Stars

The park at the Jado Cultural Center will be the chosen venue for a family astronomy workshop: ‘A Stroll Among the Stars.’

‘A Stroll Among the Stars’ promises to be a unique experience that combines astronomy with the tradition of oral storytelling. This free workshop, designed for families and the general public, will be held at the Jado Cultural Center park in Santander over three sessions.

The Councilor for Education, Youth, and Culture, Noemí Méndez, announced this activity, emphasizing that it is intended for both children and adults. The workshops will be led by Cruz Celis, head of the ‘Butterflies in the Backpack’ project, an educational psychologist and specialist in participatory workshops that aim to generate motivation and lasting memories.

The workshop will offer attendees an enriching experience, allowing them to view large-scale representations of six constellations, learn about their shapes and main stars, and marvel at the impressive beauty of these celestial formations. Additionally, participants will join in the symbolic lighting of the stars and listen to related legends while relaxing on blankets on the grass.

The sessions will take place on Saturdays: August 10th, August 24th, and September 7th at 9:30 p.m. Those interested in participating can register for free by sending an email to unpaseoporlasestrellas23@gmail.com, indicating their name, contact number, number of children and adults, and preferred date, as well as a second option in case the desired group is full.

This event is not just an astronomy workshop but an immersion into the cosmos, where the stars will come to life in a magical and immersive atmosphere. Under Santander’s night sky, the park will be transformed into a celestial theater, where the starlight intertwines with ancient stories that have fascinated humanity for millennia. Participants will not only observe the constellations but also feel a connection with the universe, awakening curiosity and wonder in each attendee. This carefully designed experience promises to be one of the most memorable events of the summer—a sensory and emotional journey that will leave a lasting impression on all who embark on this stroll among the stars.

‘Butterflies in the Backpack’ is a pedagogical and creative project that organizes activities aimed at providing quality learning, cultural experiences, and promoting healthy lifestyles. This initiative was launched last November at the Exhibition Palace, where it was extremely well-received, with all available spots filled within days.